If the force was already strong with Dave Filoni now it will be stronger. As he is the to executive creative director of LucasFilm

We all know Star Wars and its creator George Lucas. Like many works that remain unfinished, they pass into the hands of who is the right person to carry out the legacy. On this occasion the baton, or rather the lightsaber, is passed on to the next generation in the persona of Dave Filoni. The reason is that the genius behind Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars Resistance and Star Wars: The Bad Batch was promoted to executive creative director of Lucasfilm. This news that has very excited Star Wars fans, as we see with good eyes his new role in the production company.

Filoni is the new executive creative director for LucasFilm
Filoni is the new executive creative director for LucasFilm

Last year, Lucasfilm secretly named Filoni as its new executive creative director Lucasfilm didn’t update the information until recently when the news leaked and exploded on social media.

The True heir

The emotion could not be more than justified. Filoni has been a key element in the development of Lucasfilm’s television projects since George Lucas chose him as his padawan in 2005 to oversee the award-winning animated series The Clone Wars, which launched in 2008 and run for seven seasons and in our opinion  remain the best around in the Star Wars universe.

Dave Filoni

But what does this mean? and what are the repercussions regarding Kathleen Kennedy? Although various rumors have surfaced in recent years about the firing of Kathleen Kennedy, so far they have never been fulfilled. Which is not a good sign since part of the problem comes from her management and from wanting to put ideologies and political and social platforms and not taking good care of the scripts and stories.

Lucas, Filoni and Favreau

The new Executive Creative Director

Now with Dave Filoni as creative head these problems will remain in the past since every creative decision has to go through him (as long as it is authorized by Kennedy) which can greatly limit Filoni’s creative capacity. We must remember Kennedy problems in the past with more than 2 directors who were fired for not following her whims. Regardless the future looks bright.

Filoni and Kennedy

One example of how good Filoni is for the job, he created The Clone Wars (2008-2020). He pushed the boundaries of television animation, receiving praise not only for its technical achievements, but also for its complex and compelling stories and characters. The series won four Emmy Awards, including the Outstanding Special Class Animated Program two years in a row, and introduced countless fan-favorite characters to the Star Wars saga such as my personal favorite Ahsoka.

Dave Filoni and Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka

Passionate about the saga, a strong believer in the expansion of Star Wars and unconditional padawan of George Lucas, Filoni is for many fans the ideal man to preserve the legacy of the franchise and take it to new levels, because nobody better than him to understand what works And why not.

Filoni as a pilot

For axample Jon Favreau decided to name him executive producer The Mandalorian, Lucasfilm’s first live-action television series, which ultimately became a success.

Bright the future is

As Lucasfilm’s all-new executive creative director, the 46-year-old will bear the responsibility of overseeing both individual series and a larger story that weaves together multiple shows. The fans assure that Filoni will be able to solve the task with more than enough.

Filoni and Favreau

After a presipitous fall of Starwars by the sequels, people lost faith in the franchise. That’s where Filoni and Favreau come in. So, after the disastrous reception of the latest Star Wars movie trilogy, the work of Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau restored anticipation to millions of Star Wars fans. Holding such an important position as Lucasfilm’s creative director means Filoni will get even more involved in Star Wars. Not only in the series that he produces, but in any project , movie, videogames etc.

Filoni has change how we look at Star Wars

So for now Dave Filoni being head of Lucasfilm executive creative director is very good news although many of us are still reluctant to launch the bells to the flight and say that this is a success. We have to take it easy and wait for things to fall into place little by little because for now, this was a good decision.

Dave Filoni
Dave Filoni

The Force definitely has ways of making things happen.

Written by Glenn Marte

