US, 2017, Horror/Comedy
96 min.
Director: Christopher Landon
Cast: Jessica Rothe (Tree), Israel Broussrad (Carter)
Blumhouse success formula.
Happy Death Day is a new entry in the slasher genre, with a successful blend of science fiction and comedy. Created by the production company Blumhouse and its successful formula of making blockbuster horror films on a low budget. They do this with a combination of unknown but charismatic actors, who do not have to be paid large amounts of money. This within the framework of amusing and entertaining stories. Lower the tone of blood and violence so as not to earn the R rating and there you have it. An investment of just under 5 million turns into a cumulative worldwide gross of 125.
Slasher meets time loop.

Tree wakes up in Carter’s room, with a hangover after a heavy party night. After she leaves, we see how her every day at the campus is. She is the typical popular girl. Good looking and with (bad) attitude. She treats most of her classmates badly, doesn’t answer her father’s calls, and has an affair with one of her teachers. That night, Tree is walking to another party, but she is killed by a masked stranger under a dark bridge. She immediately wakes up again in Carter’s room.
Tree realizes that she is reliving the same day. Even believing that she is some kind of nightmare, she goes with the flow. At night, she avoids the tunnel and finally arrives at the party, only to be killed again by the same baby-faced masked stranger. Tree wakes up again in Carter’s room and finally realizes the peculiar situation in which she finds herself. She is in a time loop and every day she will try to discover her killer identity.
Groundhog Day and another influences.
Comparisons with Groundhog Day (Harold Ramis 1993) are immediate. They even make direct a reference. But it is from another movie, also from 1993, where the film was mostly inspired: 12:01 (Jack Sholder, 1993). In this film, a man who is attracted to one of his co-workers has to see how she is murdered. But every day he wakes up again at 12:01 to relive the same day. He will try to save her with each opportunity. So although the combination of murder mystery/time has been used before, the addition of the slasher genre to the time loop setting is brand new and fresh. The kind-of-funny masked killer brings a close reminiscent of Scream (Wes Craven).
From comics to big screen.

We owe the story to Scott Lobdell, who is a famous comic book writer with recognized runs on publications on both Marvel and DC comics. Lobdell manages to create a light and entertaining story, with the right amount of violence to appeal to a larger audience. He adds moments of comedy at the same time that he plays with the repetitiveness of the Slasher. Besides, he introduces new aspects not seen in time loop-related stories before as when the events that occur every day physically affect the protagonist. Also, clear character development is seen in Tree, and that is to be praised. Although, the rest of the characters are just pastiches, cliches of the genre.
Jessica Rothe’s show.

The weight of the film falls on Jessica Rothe, who plays Tree. Rothe imprints her charisma and magnetism on her character. Despite that she appears in almost every scene in the movie, she is always a pleasure to watch. The role of Tree lets her bring out her talents both as a scream queen and as a comedian. Also, she handles Tree’s growth as a character very well, changing her frivolous ways into a better and more understanding person. Noteworthy is Rachell Matthews as Danielle, the air-headed bitchy leader of the sorority.
Focusing on strenghts.

In general, the film does not have any technical aspect to highlight. All elements are made economically and efficiently, emphasizing the story and the performances above any other aspect. Also, like many films of the genre, it has severe plot holes, unconvincing situations, and unbelievable coincidences. Yes, although it is a story with elements of horror and sci-fi, it is in the small and more mundane details where more liberties are taken. With these circumstances, the viewer has to resort more strongly to the suspension of disbelief.
Pleasing most audiences
Despite its ordinary workmanship and severe plot holes, Happy Death Day has high entertainment value, with an amusing storyline and an outstanding performance by Rothe. A fun option for the weekend. Sci-Fi fans will like the time-loop story variant and Slasher fans who have no problem seeing small amounts of blood, suitable for a PG-13.
Delirium Score

Highly entertaining. Charismatic lead and nice history overcome the ordinary manufacture and plot holes.